Adopt A Cop

We are thrilled to announce the implementation of our latest community initiative which is designed to strengthen the relationship between our police, the school district and our community's youth.
Adopt A Cop is a program where sixteen of our officers, eight from each rotating daywork squad, will be advertised for adoption by each school in the Pennsbury School District. The depicted posters and ballots have been provided this morning to all schools.
Each student in the elementary schools will receive a paper ballot allowing them to vote for their chosen police officer. The high school students and Village Park Academy students will be able to vote via a QR Code set up for electronic balloting.
The voting begins today, Wednesday, September 27, and ends on Wednesday, October 4. The votes will then be counted and the adoptees will be announced on Monday, October 9.
This announcement will be celebrated by an adoption ceremony where the officer receives a certificate from the School's Principal formally adopting them.
Once adopted, the adopted officer will introduce himself/herself to support staff, teachers and students after which they'll obtain information regarding lunch periods, recess, etc... to plan to visit the school so as not to interpret the learning environment. Adopted officers will also conduct school walkthroughs, greet the students as they arrive and depart for the day, monitor school zones and make themselves available to any teacher who requests speaking to a student or a class on a law enforcement related topic, as well as any student who has a need, question or concern.
Our officers and the Pennsbury School District are very excited about the mutual sense of ownership and personalized commitment this adoptive relationship will bring.
We wish the best of luck to all of our officers as they compete for adoption, no matter the outcome, they will all receive a good home!