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Trash Collection

Falls Township will be posting daily updates on our website and Facebook page from Waste Management on trash/recycling delays that may occur to keep residents informed. Also, if you are experiencing any trash/recycling related issues, please contact Waste Management at 1-800-869-5566. The system will ask you for your address and customer ID number which is 00010-49267-92005.

  • Trash/Recycling Information: 3/21/2025
  • Recycling - On Schedule.
  • Trash – On Schedule.

Trash Removal Schedule

View the interactive map on our data portal. Find your schedule by typing your address on the map.

Waste Management Fast Facts


  • How do I contact Waste Management?
    You can contact Waste Management directly by telephone at 1-800-869-5566. The system will ask you for your address and customer ID number which is 00010-49267-92005.
  • Should I call Waste Management directly about any questions or concerns about my trash, recycling, or bulk pickups?
    Yes, contact Waste Management directly at 1-800-869-5566 with all questions or concerns.
  • Which holidays have no trash collection? There are no pickup on the following holidays:
    • New Year's Day
    • Memorial Day
    • Independence Day
    • Labor Day
    • Thanksgiving
    • Christmas Day
  • What if my pickup day falls on a holiday?
    If a scheduled holiday (Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day) falls on your regular pickup, trash will be collected on your next regular service day. Recyclables will be picked up on your scheduled service day the following week.

Trash Collection

  • When should trash be placed at the curb?
    Place trash and recyclables out after 6:00 p.m. the evening before your pickup day. Place containers so they are not blocked by parked vehicles.
  • What size containers should I use?
    Household waste containers may not exceed 50 pounds in weight. Use sturdy plastic or metal containers with handles and detachable lids.

    Recyclables should be placed in a recycle bin or can clearly labeled as “Recyclables.” The only recyclable items which can be placed in a bag are paper items such as newspapers.

    Cut large items such as carpet and branches into lengths of four feet or less and tie into manageable bundles.

  • How many containers are allowed?
    A maximum of 10 containers, bags, or bundles of trash will be collected on each collection day.
  • Which wastes are not acceptable?
    We do not accept liquid waste of any type, tree stumps or tires. Hold all Household Hazardous Waste materials for Special HHW collections. We do not accept HHW of any type, including insecticides, pesticides, gasoline, waste oil, non-latex paints, varnish, thinners, drain cleaner, pool chemicals, car parts or similar materials as part of your regular waste removal services.

Bulk Items

  • When are bulk items collected?
    Larger items are collected on the second pickup day of the week, sometimes by a second crew.
  • What type of bulk items are collected?
    Examples of regular bulk items include furniture, cabinets, washers, and dryers.
  • How much can I discard at once?
    The limit is one bulk item per week.
  • What about refrigerators?
    Some items require an appointment, such as refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners and dehumidifiers containing CFCs. To make an appointment, call 800-869-5566.

Recycling - Remember that Recycling is MANDATORY, required by State Law.

Municipal and state regulations require that residents, commercial establishments and non-residential establishments recycle all recyclable materials. Commonly recycled materials include:

  • Paper – newspaper, office/copy paper, glossy paper, color paper, cardboard, junk mail, phone books, cereal/cracker boxes
  • Plastic – bottles and jugs No. 1-7
  • Glass – clear, green and brown containers
  • Metal – aluminum, steel, tin, and bimetal cans and containers

You should check with your hauler for a complete list of acceptable recyclable materials.

Are Things Really Being Recycled?

This question often comes up. People are concerned that not all of the materials they put in their recycle bin are recycled. Their concern is that some end up in landfills. This leads some to minimize their recycling efforts. According to several major waste management firms in Montgomery County, all of the acceptable recycled materials listed above are being recycled.

You should continue to recycle all of the items listed above.

Things You Should Not Put into Your Recycle Bin

Here is a list of things that cannot be recycled and should not be put into your recycle bin:

  • Foam containers and cups, even if they have a recycle symbol on them,
  • Cups coated with wax or plastic such as soda cups,
  • Plastic bags such as grocery store bags (You can often take these bags back to the grocery store.),
  • Flexible packaging such as chip bags or juice pouches,
  • Plastic wrap,
  • Container caps,
  • Diapers, yes, some people throw soiled diapers into their recycle bins.

Avoid Contamination of Recycling Materials with Food or Liquids

Materials contaminated with food or liquid cannot be recycled. Here is what you should do:

  • Check that the material is recyclable. Look for the recycle symbol on items.
  • Rinse jars, bottles, and cans that have visible residue in them. A quick rinse is usually adequate.
  • Throw away heavily soiled items.

Recycling/Trash containers can be purchased at your local retail store.

For all information related to recycling, please visit

  • What glass items do you accept?
    Recycle glass bottles and jars without lids; place lids in the regular trash. Acceptable items include soda bottles, jelly and mayonnaise jars, canning jars made of clear, green or brown glass – please no blue glass.
  • What metal items should I recycle?
    Recycle all cans made of aluminum bi-metal, steel and tin; for example, soup, vegetable and soda cans.
  • Which plastic items are recyclable?
    Plastic containers coded #1 through #7 inside the triangular recycling logo are acceptable. Examples include two-liter soda bottles, detergents bottles, and milk and water jugs. Remember to rinse items and place lids in the regular trash.
  • What about recycling newspapers and magazines?
    Newspapers, magazines, catalogs and phone books should be bundled and tied with string or twine (no more than 50 pounds per bundle) or placed in a brown paper bag – no plastic bags, please.
  • What items are not recyclable?
    Window glass and drinking glasses are not recyclable. Most platic deli-type containers and butter/margarine tubs are not acceptable. Items such as aluminum foil, styrofoam and metal clothes hangers cannot be recycled. Place all of these items in the regular trash.