Smokers in Falls Township may need to look before they light up under a proposed ordinance change that, if enacted, would limit smoking on township-owned property.
The Supervisors voted during Monday night’s virtual meeting to authorize advertisement of the proposed ordinance change. If adopted, the ordinance would prohibit smoking on any township property except in designated areas.
The proposed ordinance change would mirror what was enacted at township-owned parks, attorney Lauren Gallagher said.
The Falls Township municipal complex does not have designated smoking areas, officials said.
According to the proposed ordinance – which the Supervisors will consider for adoption during the Feb. 16 meeting – smoking includes cigarettes, cigars, pipes, other lighted smoking instruments, as well as vaping.
Smoking is banned from most indoor places in Pennsylvania as part of the state’s Clean Indoor Air Act, which became law in 2008. Last year, state lawmakers introduced a bill that would have extended the Clean Indoor Air Act to include all public places.