Eight Falls Township roads are set for milling and overlay improvements beginning this summer at more than $1 million under the amount budgeted.
The annual road project will focus on Elderberry Drive. The eight roads scheduled for upgrades are: Nottingham Drive, Jensen Drive, Nottingham Court, Nancia Court, Steel Road West, Steel Road East, Steel Road North and Steel Road South.
During Monday’s virtual Falls Supervisors meeting, the board voted unanimously to award this year’s road program to General Asphalt Paving Co., Inc. The company bid $3,197,176.26, which township engineer Joseph Jones said was more than $1 million under the amount earmarked for the project. The other bidder, James D. Morrissey Inc., submitted a bid for more than $4 million.
The company will be greenlighted to undertake the project once the 30-day responsible contractor review is completed. A determination would then be issued on or about June 15 and work could begin after that, he said.
General Asphalt is a regular bidder for Falls Township road projects and has been involved in recent township road improvements. Still, given the amount spent on road upgrades, the township is required to solicit bids from any company wishing to potentially carry out the work. The Supervisors are then tasked with awarding the bid to the lowest responsible contractor.
“They do a good job for us,” Supervisors Jeff Dence said, noting that the township can not “pick and choose” which contractor is ultimately hired to perform the work each year.
The Supervisors also voted unanimously to accept a proposal from Jones Engineering Associates to oversee the project. The township’s engineering firm would provide oversight for all work within the project scope, including inspection, construction administration, and field engineering. Total engineering cost is not to exceed $199,400.