Falls residents have been clamoring for the addition of pickleball courts for years. This summer, they will finally have their wish.
During Monday night’s Falls Supervisors meeting, the board unanimously approved the installation of four pickleball courts at Quaker Penn Park. Parks and Recreation Director Brian Andrews said the work should be completed this summer.
The township had earmarked funds in its 2023 budget for the $294,407.02 addition. However, the project could be partially subsidized by a state grant, Andrews said.
“Pickleball’s gotten very, very popular,” Supervisors Chairman Jeff Dence said.
Neighboring Middletown and Lower Makefield townships have been “begging” Andrews for years to add courts given the popularity. “It’s been booming everywhere,” he said.
The four fenced-in courts will make for a “great addition” to Quaker Penn, which has seen other upgrades and additions in recent years, including new restrooms and a playground. With the courts, Andrews said the park will be “more of an attraction.”
Pickleball is similar to tennis, but courts are smaller.
Initially, courts will be available on a first come, first served basis. Eventually, Andrews, said he anticipates reservations, with the potential for organized programs and some leagues.
“The possibilities are endless,” Andrews said.
Courts will be situated in the area near the batting cage. If the township opted to add more in the future, Andrews said some field space could be used.
In other business, the Supervisors approved the purchase of several vehicles for the Public Works Department, generating an overall savings of $28,300. Director Jason Lawson had inquired of a sales represenative about the capabiltiies of a Ford F-250 instead of an F-350, which will save the township $4,000. Purchasing a backhoe with some of the needed additions already included will save the township another $25,500. Both cost savings helped to offset the $1,200 increase in the lawn mowers.