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Zoning Hearing Board

Next Scheduled Meeting

Meeting Date Agenda
Zoning Hearing Board
April 8, 20257:00 PM




Notice is hereby given that as of June 13, 2023, and thereafter until further notice, the Falls Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold its regularly scheduled meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Middletown Township Municipal Building, 3 Municipal Way, Langhorne, PA 19047, as further set forth on the agenda posted on the Township’s website, at  Until further notice, the meetings shall be held in a hybrid format, with the in-person component to take place at the Middletown Township Municipal Building, 3 Municipal Way, Langhorne, PA 19047. Members of the public are permitted to attend the meeting in person.  Members of the public are also permitted to attend and to participate in the meeting through a virtual format.  Instructions for participation via virtual means will be available on the Township’s website at least 3 business days prior to the scheduled meeting.  If a member of the public would like to participate but requires assistance or accommodation, please contact the Township at or (215) 949-9001 prior to 10:00 a.m. on the day of the regularly scheduled meeting.

The public can attend in person at the Middletown Township Municipal Building, 3 Municipal Way, Langhorne, PA 19047, Public Meeting Room.  Members of the public are also permitted to attend and to participate in the meeting through a virtual format as set forth on the Falls Township website.  (Details to attend the virtual meeting are found below.)

Interested members of the public may also email comments to, or mail public comments to Matthew K. Takita at 450 Lincoln Highway, Fairless Hills, PA 19030. 

Anyone desiring to participate in the Zoning Hearing Board meeting is encouraged to call or log into the meeting prior to the 7:00 p.m. start time.

The public may participate in the meeting by joining the Zoom meeting as outlined below:

The public may participate in the meeting by joining the Zoom meeting as outlined below:

Join Zoom Meeting: The meeting link -

The Meeting ID:  4209459063

This will be the public dialing phone number: +1 929 205 6099

The meeting will be streamed on the Township’s website at and the Township’s YouTube page. Both of those streams will be up to 30 seconds behind the meeting happening within Zoom.

The meeting will be on the Governmental Channel Comcast Channel 22 and Verizon Channel 40. This broadcast will appear in real time.

Interested members of the public may also email comments to, or mail public comments to Matthew K. Takita at 188 Lincoln Highway, Fairless Hills, PA 19030. If any member of the public is requesting party status to the application or requires an accommodation to participate in the public hearing, please contact the Township as outlined above at least five (5) days prior to the public hearing. The Zoning Hearing Board decides who may participate in the hearing before it as a party, subject to Section 908(3) of the Municipalities Planning Code (MPC). The MPC permits party status to any person “affected” by the application. Having taxpayer status alone is not enough to claim party status; however, a person whose property or business abuts the property that is the subject of the appeal is affected and should qualify as a party. Ultimately, the ZHB makes the party status determination after reviewing the request.


Name Status Term
Robert McTague  Chairman 2025 thru 2029 
Aaron Mackey Vice-Chairman 2023 thru 2027
Nastasha Raisley Secretary 2021 thru 2025 
Bill Kiernan Member 2024 thru 2028
Christopher Kilmer Member 2022 thru 2026 
VACANCY Alternate 2023 thru 2025
Keith Bidlingmaier Solicitor
Karen Browndorf Court Reporter

Board Composition

The Zoning Hearing Board is a 5 member board with 5 year terms plus three alternate members.  The term for the alternate members are 3 years. Members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors.

Currently, there are three vacancies for the alternate positions available on the Zoning Hearing Board.

Click here to send your letter of interest in joining the Zoning Hearing Board.


The Falls Township Zoning Hearing Board meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Middletown Township Public Meeting Room.


Middletown Township Public Meeting Room
3 Municipal Way
Langhorne, PA 19047


Date Agenda Minutes
January 14, 20257:00 PM
February 11, 20257:00 PM Zoning Hearing Board Meeting CANCELLED
March 11, 20257:00 PM
April 8, 20257:00 PM
May 13, 20257:00 PM
June 10, 20257:00 PM
July 8, 20257:00 PM
August 12, 20257:00 PM
September 9, 20257:00 PM
October 14, 20257:00 PM
November 18, 20257:00 PM
December 9, 20257:00 PM